Doug just got back from his Colorado hunting trip. He was there to hunt Mule Deer and his dad was along for the trip. Poor Doug is very cold natured, so you'll understand his frustration on hearing that it was never going to get out of the teens while he was there, with some of the lows below 0 F. Here's how cold it was one morning:

They didn't even make it through Oklahoma before the snow and ice hit, but those Texas boys plowed right through to Holyoke, Colorado, a little town in the very northeastern corner of the state. After hunting in this:

For what seemed like hours... they spotted and shot a buck on the
first day around lunch. Here he is:

And more pictures with Doug and his dad of Doug's first mule deer kill!

Doug just couldn't pass this guy up; an 11 pt that scored 174" B & C (for those of you that will know what that means). He had 41" of mass, and you can see that his tines were thick and bladed like knife blades. He was also blind in one eye (with a chunk missing from the eyeball) and had a piece of antler in his face from fighting. I'm sure there were bigger deer out there, but I'm sure glad he decided to shoot this one. The weather just got worse, and he most likely would not have had another opportunity at another deer.
What a great first mule deer, Doug!
Darcy sure was glad he was back after a 5-day absence, too!
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