Monday, April 7, 2008


Ah, tax season. it comes every year as everything is greening up and blooming, only to put you in a bad mood. Although, I have to say, this year, it's not so bad. I got my stuff in two months early, just to have my CPA wait until April 4 to send it back completed. Talk about sweating it. That did call for a few stearn emails, as I like to have things taken care of early. And what about those rebates we'll be getting later in the year? Isn't it nice that the government is paying us for a change?

But I have to be pessimistic for just a moment, as I heard something that kind of disturbs me. All of the great democracies in the history of this world failed and fell when the people of those democracies realized one thing. That being that they could grant themselves gifts of money from the governments funds or treasury. The people eventually got so greedy that they ran the government into the ground financially, then everything else went to pieces with it. So while these rebate checks will be nice, let's put it into perspective and hopefully this won't become an annual event.

Because I would really hate to move to Mexico.


AustinHils said...

I would never consider moving to Mexico. I'll call you from the United Kingdom.

Unknown said...

I might pick Australia or New Zealand. But I think I would pick Mexico over the UK, because the weather is better and, hello, good fajitas!

D said...

Mexico is closest.