Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, I figured I would take the time to do this since I never have the time to do them usually. I get a lot of them from friends on MySpace, and never have time to post back. But, I have a sleeping, sick baby so I have a bit of free time today. Poor Darcy, along with allergy issues, she has some sort of stomach bug (we're waiting to hear exactly what). So she isn't feeling so hot. But we have been lucky, this is the first time she's been sick. I know that my answers are not as interesting as some of y'alls, but it's what I've got.

Ok, well, here goes...

4 Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Receptionist at car dealership
2. Technical Writer at Engineering Consultant Firm
3. Wildlife Biologist
4. Equipment Operator

4 Movies I’ve Watched More Than Once:
1. Pride & Prejudice
2. Harry Potter Series
3. Robin Hood (the Disney version)
4. Shrek Series

4 Places I’ve Lived:
1. Corsicana, Texas
2. College Station, Texas
3. San Antonio, Texas
4. Mountain Home, Texas

4 TV Shows I Watch/Watched:
(these are all past tense, since we don't have tv now)
1. Friends
2. Will & Grace
3. Sex & The City
4. I can't remember another one

4 Places I have Been:
1. Hot Springs, AR
2. Taos, NM
3. Angelfire, NM
4.Big Bend, TX

4 People who email me regularly:
1. Nathan
2. My Parents
3. Missie
4. Doug

4 of my favorite foods:
1. ice cream
2. pizza
3. quesadillas
4. fried steak

4 Places I Would Like to Visit:
1. Ireland
2. Colorado
3. Yellowstone
4. London

Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year:
1. Darcy walking!
2. closing on property that we will eventually build on
3. watching some of our friends start their families
4. spending quality time with family and friends

4 Friends who I’m Tagging:
Emily and Hils are the only folks that probably look at this, and they've already been hit, so there's no one else!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All 4 of those places would be fun to visit. I can't wait to see the little miss walk!!!